Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Filling my Time

The past couple of days have been a little dull. I have been spending most of my time online. Taylor sent me this awesome new site called Pinterest.com! My gosh, I'm on it non-stop! I have been finding awesome new recipes to try when I get home, some creative classroom layouts and activities, beautiful decorating ideas for my bedroom (but mostly for my future home), and some weekend craft ideas! I'm addicted!
Anyways, something new is that I started my online class today. I know what you are all thinking..."I thought you graduated". Well, I had a little bit of a misunderstanding with admissions and I have to take what SNHU calls a "global marker". I have plenty of credits to graduate, too many if you ask me, but I failed to take a "global marker" class. Somehow we scooted by it in my advisement meetings and I have yet to receive my diploma. I will be taking an 8 week online history course while I'm here. I guess I can't complain...I have something to keep my mind occupied for the remainder of my stay. This class plus going onto Pinterest will certainly fill my day! Hey that rhymed, sort of!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to keep track of how many days are left, but I can't help it today because the math is too easy. Only 20 more days till I'm home! Although I might be lying, Ingrid kind of told me yesterday that I could be flying out on the 27th...I guess when she had to cancel my flight going through Iceland she had to change my entire package. She's going to double check and get back to me, so stay tuned!

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